Artisan Contractors
Auto Dealer & Repair
Commercial Janitorial
Hotel / Motel
Landscape & Lawn Service
Light Manufacturing
Retail & Wholesale
& many more!
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
Occasionally an underwriter needs more information to properly evaluate a particular type of business. We don't always ask for supplemental applications, but if you're working with one of the industries listed below, we may. By providing us with a complete submission including a supplemental application, we can send you a competitive quote as quickly as possible.
Download Supplemental
We write Artisan Contractors, and a few other construction businesses,
but not all of the them. Fill out the supplemental so we know exactly
what your client scope of work includes.
Freight Forwarders
Download Supplemental
We are the number 1 carrier for Freight Forwarders in Florida! This supplemental is required if there is more than a warehouse exposure.
Home Health
Download Supplemental
Home health care, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and doctor's offices are some of the health-related businesses we insure. There are some specific questions we have regarding the various industries. By completing this supplemental, we'll know if your client is eligible for coverage with us.
Download Supplemental
Commercial cleaning is another business we write frequently. Complete
this supplemental to make sure they're doing the jobs we can insure.
Download Supplemental
Companies that do landscaping vary from mow and blow, to snow
blowing. Every state has different exposures, that's why we may ask
for the supplemental for landscapers.
Security Guards
Download Supplemental
We write a select group of security guards including unarmed operations. Complete this supplemental so we can see if we can insure your client.
Download the forms and submit via one of the options below.
Underwriting Guidelines: Download Underwriting Guidelines
Florida: Download Acord 130 FL | Fill out Acord 130 online
All other states: Download Acord 130 | Fill it out online
Filled out an application already? Upload it here.