Claims FAQ's

Common questions regarding the Normandy claims process

Who do I contact with questions about my claim?

Your workers' compensation Adjuster will help with any questions you may have. The Adjuster's direct contact information can be found in the claims information package mailed to you from Normandy Ins. Co., and in the text message sent to you when your claim was reported to us. You can also call our general number 866-688-6442 and ask to speak to your adjuster.

What is the role of the Normandy Nurse Consultant assigned to my claim?

Normandy R.N., Nurse Consultants play an important role in the coordination of your workers' compensation related medical services. They advocate on behalf of you, your employer, and Normandy as the consumers of medical services and your medical team as the provider of those services. To speak directly with your assigned nurse, please contact your Adjuster.

What benefits are covered by workers' compensation?

Workers' compensation provides for partial wage replacement and medical treatment for eligible injured workers. Wage replacement, medical referrals, authorizations, and reimbursement vary by state, and individual state statutes pre-establish the amount and duration of all benefits.
Typically, lost wage benefits equal approximately 2/3 of your gross wages and there is $0 out of pocket payment from you for medical care.

What happens if I am unable to return to work because of my injury?

Your ability to return to work after an injury is based on medical information provided by your physician. Returning to work may take different forms, for instance modification to your existing job (your job, modified to meet your restrictions), or a temporary alternative duty job (temporary assignment to a different job within your restrictions) until you have recovered sufficiently to return to your regular job. Your Adjuster will work with your employer to accommodate your individual return to work options.

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