Three Easy Ways To Get Your Insurance Business Noticed On Instagram

October 7, 2020


Rebecca Batisto
Three Easy Ways To Get Your Insurance Business Noticed On Instagram

Whether you’re debating setting up an Instagram account, or your current one is stalling, it’s vital that insurance businesses use Instagram to maximize their outreach. Instagram is the second most used social media platform in the United States, with 500 million active daily users and more than 800 million monthly users.

And companies are getting wise to this. There are now over 25 million Instagram business accounts, while more than $7 billion was spent on Instagram advertising in 2019 alone.

Why Are Instagram Business Accounts So Successful?

Firstly, it’s expected of you. When a potential client needs an Insurance Agent in their area, they won’t always use Google to search for one. If they type ‘Insurance Chicago’ into Instagram, and you’re a Chicago business that isn’t on the platform, you’re potentially losing out to your rivals.

Secondly, you can build immediate trust with a future client. Having a wide range of social media accounts - especially if they’re verified - shows that your business is successful enough to move resources into marketing themselves online.

Just like with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can use Instagram to lead users to your website. By posting engaging content, you can increase traffic, which in turn can increase potential client numbers. Happy clients can also tag you in their posts, essentially giving your business an easy referral.

Finally, on Instagram, you can attract some top talent to your business. Need a new staff member? You don’t have to exclusively use LinkedIn to advertise your opening. Draft a quick job vacancy post on Instagram to maximize your chances of securing gifted, skillful applicants.

How To Get My Business Noticed On Instagram

Now that you’re on Instagram, it’s time to increase your outreach. The best place to start is by upping the number of followers you have. Users are more likely to follow an account with a large following as they see that number as an indicator of valuable content. If you’ve already got a Facebook account, why not publish a post asking friends to follow you on Instagram. Use your current platform to increase the following on your new one.

Post Insurance Facts To Motivate Your Clients

On Instagram, it’s entirely possible that many of your followers may not know all the fine details of an insurance business. Why not create a Fact Friday where you can educate your followers about your services or the insurance industry in general?

A well-designed post with nice graphics will get noticed, and when your followers read about the value of your company, they’ll click straight on the link to your website in your bio.

Share Company Info To Show Off Your Services

All that information you save for emails can be turned into great Instagram content! How about a weekly meet the team post where you can boost your company’s morale by publicly acknowledging your best workers.

If a particularly satisfied customer is willing, post a smiling picture, explaining how your team has helped them. And don’t forget all the useful little things like alerting your clients that you’re closed for a particular holiday. All this can be turned into engaging posts that’ll bring up your follower numbers and increase your exposure.

Utilize Hashtags To Target Locals

Our final tip, know the local hashtags and use them. Keep up to date with hashtags supporting local events and businesses, then use those hashtags in your related social media posts. Not only does using social media give you an immediate point of contact with other local businesses, but it will also increase your own local following.

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