How To Stay In Touch With Insurance Clients While Working From Home

September 17, 2020


Rebecca Batisto
How To Stay In Touch With Insurance Clients While Working From Home

The Coronavirus outbreak is a worrying time for everyone. You need to stay in touch with insurance clients, but with you both working from home communication is becoming increasingly difficult. As the world shifts to working remotely, we’re all trying to find new ways to make home working more productive. And in the insurance industry, we’re still battling to keep operations running.

As an insurance agent, how do you keep in the loop with clients and ensure that they still think you’re the best person for the job? Here are six ways to help you stay on top.


It is critical that you go above and beyond to stay in contact with your clients. With so much of our communication coming from our body language, you’ve really got to oversell to reassure clients. Write follow-up emails, catch up over Zoom instead of a phone call. Clients need to know you’re around to support them, especially now you can’t do this face to face.

Have the Right Tech

Because you’ll be wanting to leverage video calls rather than phone calls, you’ve got to have the right gear to back it up. If you have a weak signal, grainy footage, and a distorted mic, you’re immediately going to turn off potential clients. Make sure your computer is close to your WIFI router and purchase a [good webcam](good webcam). Be aware the microphone inside your laptop isn’t always the best. Even using the mic that comes with your headphones or a cheap headset may give your sound quality a significant boost.

Provide Regular Updates

Weekly updates will go a long way to highlight your value to clients. If you’re not making contact in person, you need to be showing your employers the work you do. Keeping open and constant communication will reassure your clients, making them more likely to continue to use your services.

Conversely, if you’re still waiting to hear back from a potential client, it doesn’t hurt to send a quick follow-up email. If you’re out of sight, you’re out of mind. By being the one to make a move first, you’re more likely to secure your next job.

Be in the Right Frame of Mind.

Let’s face it. We all love a pajama day. The idea of rolling out of bed and straight into an office chair is ideal in theory. But PJs tell our brain it’s time to sleep. If you want to maximize production, you’ve got to be showered and dressed.

What about your workspace? Are you comfortable in your home office, or do you have to share with your children’s online school? Of course, family comes first, but don’t feel guilty setting up work zones and times where you’re not allowed to be disturbed. A young child interrupting a meeting was funny the first time, but you don’t need a repeat offender.

Find Areas in Common

When you do get in touch with insurance clients, make sure you spend the first few minutes making polite, non-work-related conversation. Get to know your colleagues and start cultivating friendships. A 2017 study found that employees who felt they had a “work family” were up to 84% happier, more connected, and more successful. Simply asking how another person’s doing breaks down those formal barriers and will pay dividends over time.

Become An Email Pro

Finally, finding the right tone in your emails is vitally important. Proofread every email. Written words can communicate a large variety of tones, whether intended or not. Be careful with the way you approach your emails and always remain professional for your intended audience.

Normandy Insurance is up to speed regarding how workers’ compensation coverage is affected by the Coronavirus. As things continue to evolve, we invite you to please reach out to our team if you have any questions!

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