April 28, 2020
Insurance agencies are worried. COVID-19 has sent many clients home or even created massive layoffs, meaning less need for insurance policies. At Normandy Insurance, we are dedicated to helping our agents maintain their business, so we put together some tips for keeping – and perhaps, even adding – clients during COVID-19.
Relationships are the main reason people choose to do business with a company. If we, as consumers, feel underappreciated or ignored, we don’t feel like we have a relationship, and we’ll have no problem taking our business elsewhere, right?
Communicate with your clients frequently. Remind them why they have you and the lines of insurance you provide. Keep them abreast of the risks now that employees are working from home, or the increased risk of having essential employees. Remind them of the investment they’ve made and what could happen to their business if they let go of a policy.
Think of the concerns they have. How can you help your clients? Now is an excellent time to stay well ahead of the news. Learn everything you can about the projections of the pandemic. If you have some valuable research, you might be able to help business owners to hang on for another week when they feel like letting things go.
Read up on the different stimulus packages available to business owners. If you can be of any help getting them the financial support they need, then you will earn their loyalty.
Now is an excellent time to plan a prospect outreach. Think about the marketing campaign you could build and start taking notes. Try an email campaign to new clients and perhaps, set up some special offers. Normandy Insurance supports workers’ compensation insurance for a variety of industries:
By working in a variety of industries, you are making your business more durable in the case of other economic downturns. By spreading your business, you also reach new networks and have the ability to continue expanding your client base easier.
There are very few times when we make purchases without first reading reviews. Reach out to your clients and ask them for a written review. You can use a variety of methods, but by using Google’s review system, the reviews are verified, and it doesn’t look like you made them up. It also boosts your search ranking, making you easier to find on a Google search. Plus, you can always cut and paste a review on to your website.
Normandy Insurance continues to support our clients during this difficult time. If you have questions, reach out to us. You can place a question on Facebook, or reach out to us directly: www.normandyins.com
Learn about becoming an agent: Becoming An Agent | Email Us: info@normandyins.com | Call Us: 1-866-688-6442
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