Five Things You Might Not Know Your Workers' Comp Covers

September 4, 2019


Rebecca Batisto
Five Things You Might Not Know Your Workers' Comp Covers

Workers’ Compensation insurance can be overwhelming, but laws and coverages have evolved to include several areas you may not know it addresses. Workers’ comp insurance is different from health insurance as its benefits are designed to get you back on your feet after an injury, but the difference can be confusing. Here are five things that workers’ comp covers that you may not have known:

Medical costs related to the injury.

So you may know that workers’ comp pays for medical costs, but which ones? States around the country differ in the details, but generally, expenses include emergency room care, doctors’ visits, hospital stays, diagnostic tests, and the cost of rehabilitation treatment. Some states may also cover transportation to appointments, but most do not cover alternative or experimental treatments.

Lost income as a result of not working.

Because you will be missing work due to your injury, workers’ comp covers lost wages. Different policies cover different percentages of your wages, so be sure you are familiar with your company’s policy and benefits. As a benchmark, most pay the injured worker 66% of their wage.

Ongoing care.

With serious injuries or illnesses, recovery time can continue though additional surgeries, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and treatment from specialists. These expenses are covered by workers’ comp and include care coverage even if you are not able to return to work.

Funeral costs and death benefits.

If the worst should happen, you should know that your family won’t be burdened by expenses if your death is covered by workers’ comp. As a part of the policy, some part or all funeral costs and in some cases, death benefits, are paid to the family from the policy.

Legal costs in case of a suit.

Depending on the state, you as the injured employee may be able to sue your employer. As in any lawsuit, legal expenses can be prohibitive and some workers’ comp policies will cover some or all of your legal fees. This is another detail you will have to research relative to your specific policy.

If you need support in explaining the ins and outs of workers’ compensation, Normandy Insurance can help you educate you and your employees in addition to guiding you to the coverage that’s right for your business! We invite you to contact us today to find out everything we have to offer!

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